Tuesday, February 4, 2014

FOOD: Sugar Snap Peas & Fruit

I've been totally craving for Edamame lately. I'd order it in every Japanese Resto I go to while on vacation in Vegas. And because of my silly cravings, I went to the grocery to buy more so I could cook it myself! In my hurry, I grabbed the wrong veggie and ended up with 4 trays of Sugar Snap Peas. GREAT. At home, I stared at all my Sugar Snap Peas. Of course, I wouldn't let these go to waste so I had to think of different and creative ways to prepare these. I have very few items in my fridge right now so I had to make do with what I had. The results of my kitchen experiment now has me addicted to Sugar Snap Peas! I came up with 2 VERY EASY recipes and I'd like to share it with you because it's so easy-peasy and very healthy too. Just the way I like it.

Sugar Snap Peas - looks like Edamame but... NOT! Haha!
1. Sugar Snap Peas
2. Strawberries
3. Grapes
4. Balsamic Vinegar - for first recipe
5. Strawberry Yogurt - for second recipe

YUM --- Healthy!
STEP 1 -Was Sugar Snap Peas and Fruits
STEP 2 - Slice ends of Sugar Snap Peas and Slice in half
STEP 3 - Slice Fruits

MAKE IT A SALAD! - Sprinkle with a bit of ground pepper and toss it with some Balsamic Vinegar!

MAKE IT A DESSERT! - Mix with strawberry yogurt (or another flavor of your choice)

Now isn't that worth a try? Nothing beats healthy eating!

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