Yes, it's time to say goodbye to my platinum blonde hair! While I absolutely loved being blonde, being away from my hairdresser, Angelo, is absolutely horrible! I have tried to maintain my blonde locks for as long as I can but I give up! So for now, I am sporting a darker ombre hair color. I know I will really miss being blonde and I know I will switch up the color again very soon... and until I get to sit in Angelo's Salon again (most probably next year), I would love to go platinum blonde again!
For now, I think this is a lower maintenance, nice change for me. Especially since winter is coming, I just know how dry my hair and skin will be with the dry cold in Las Vegas! It's time to moisturize, moisturize, moisturize!
I have not been blogging as much as before... adjusting to a new life in another country was pretty much a challenge for me. The change is so much like my hair change --- extremes! But honestly, despite extreme changes in my life... I know I could not be happier. Change is indeed inevitable and we just gotta go with the flow. I could not ask for anything more in LIFE and LOVE and I know things will just get better and better.
I will try to blog as much as I used to... I know I just have to sit down and get to it!!! Lol! Preparing for my next blog post... until then... hope you like my new hairdo! =)
Images by Eunice Vallesteros of Purple Dot Photography
@shootthatpurpledot (Instagram)
Cut and Color by Angelo Falconi III
@angelofalconi_d3rd (Instagram)